Tuesday 28 May 2013

Biomass beckons

Later on this year we will install a new biomass boiler. This will entail installing an ETA  wood pellet +eta (@eta) boiler  and
building a heat main around the whole site. It will replace the old boiler in Kinnaird House and the electric  heaters to the cabins. This is an exciting development for us as the heating system should be more efficient and more comfortable for our guests. The first phase was to demolish our old green shed that graced the car park - and was the source of some jokes from our guests.   Watch this space for developments.
Goodbye green  shed!

Friday 6 July 2012

Hot tubs in summer!

One good thing about having colder than average weather ...you can still enjoy the hot tub! In fact its the best way I know to ensure you get a great night's sleep. Here's the formula..
1. 30 min hot tub enjoying fantastic views  as the sun makes its way to the west 
2. BBQ accompanied by a pint of Arran Blonde or Black Isle Blonde
3 Retire to bed with your partner... you can write the rest of the script!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Etape is here next week

Next Sunday sees the Etape come to Pitlochry once again. We'll have over 25 keen cyclists staying with us ready to brave the elements in this unique event. the good news for them is that afterwards they can relax those aching muscles in one of our  beautiful hot tubs!